Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Epigenetics and a new direction

I have been keeping an eye on a couple other science blogs - homologus and Judge Starling among them, and I have decided that I should include among my descriptions of experiments an occasional review of some bit of literature that I find interesting. And so:

PNAS recently published two papers: Epigenetics, a "Core Concepts" piece by Sarah Williams (2013) and Epigenetics: Core Misconcept by Mark Ptashne (2013) where he argues that Williams is perpetuating some of the main misconceptions about epigenetics. In order to analyze this little spat, I will first define epigenetics and then analyze what each of the authors say and whether Williams is indeed perpetuating misconceptions. This disagreement boils down to another fundamental argument over whether DNA methylation and/or histone placement should be considered "epigenetic mechanisms" and I will conclude by pitching in my two cents in this debate.

Here are a couple of current definitions of epigenetics from the literature:

From Bird (2007): "... epigenetic events... [are] the structural adaptation of chromosomal regions so as to register, signal or perpetuate altered activity states."

From Eccleston et al (2007): "Epigenetics is typically defined as the study of heritable changes in gene expression that are not due to changes in DNA sequence."

From Sasaki et al (2008): "Epigenetics refers to a collection of mechanisms and phenomena that define the phenotype of a cell without affecting the genotype"

From Bonasio et al (2010): "Epigenetic signals are responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and reversal of metastable transcriptional states that are fundamental for the cell’s ability to “remember” past events, such as changes in the external environment or developmental cues."

These definitions all agree that epigenetics does not include changes to the base sequence of DNA, but rather changes in the expression level of different genes. Said another way, epigenetic changes must be reversible: coding changes are not reversible (a back mutation is quite rare) while expression changes are (it's relatively easy to turn genes on and off). These definitions also all agree that these expression changes must be heritable from one generation to the next (it should be noted that this is most often cell generations i.e.: heritable through mitosis, rather than organism generations, though both are applicable).

One other condition is also commonly found in the literature and is necessary for an epigenetic system: it must be self-perpetuating (Riddihough and Zahn 2010; Bonasio et al 2010). Self-perpetuating means that there is a positive feedback loop somewhere such that once it is initiated and even in the absence of the initial signal, the new expression level will persist.

In summary: there are three characteristics that are necessary for a system to be labeled "epigenetic:"
1.) It must be reversible by dealing with changes in expression level not sequence identity.
2.) It must be heritable, at least through mitosis, possibly through meiosis and fertilization.
3.) It must be self-perpetuating in the absence of the initial signal.

The predominate biological process that this refers to is development where a single cell divides and differentiates into a large number of distinct tissue types. At the end of the process, each cell in every tissue has the complete genome of the organism, but each cell type has it's own specific set of genes that is expressed. This is one of the most incredible - but rarely-recognized - cases of plasticity: a single set of genes gives rise to a vast number of different cell types and functions. Epigenetics is concerned with how, for example, a liver cells divides into two new liver cells. Certain genes are on in each liver cell that, when present in the daughter cells, cue those to also express the suite of "liver genes." Thus, this aspect of development complies with the heritable and self-perpetuating requirements of epigenetics. It is also reversible as no coding changes have occurred - only expression levels change, not the DNA sequence. We know this is true because the entire genome is present in every cell - it is certainly NOT the case the all of the "non-liver genes" are destroyed or excluded from future liver cells. This is depicted in the following diagram (from Ptashne 2013):
The blue circle protein (a transcription factor) activates the gene for the red oval protein (also a transcription factor) by binding to a cis-regulatory element (blue box). The red protein activates itself by binding to the red cis-regulatory element and also activates a suite of other green genes by binding to their cis-regulatory elements (red boxes). 

So what are some concrete examples of epigenetics? The prime example is a transcription factor that activates the expression of itself (self-perpetuating) and also activates the expression (reversible) of a suite of other genes as in the above figure. When this transcription factor is in the cytoplasm of a cell undergoing the cytokinesis phase of mitosis, it will be allocated into the two daughter cells (heritable) and will thus cause them to express a similar suite of genes as the parent cell. Another common example is prions. Prions are poteins with a specific tertiary conformation (reversible) that cause other proteins (self-perpetuating) to assume the same confirmation (heritable). Though prions seem to me to be in a slightly different class of epigenetics than transcription factors as prions don't involve DNA at all. This is not to say that prions are not epigenetic - they most certainly are - but rather that the term epigenetic is quite broad. I will from here on concentrate on the subset of epigenetics that deals directly with gene expression.

Moving on to Williams' (2013) Core Concept article, I found it to be a bit brief but not horribly off the mark. Williams focused on only two types of epigenetic inheritance: DNA methylation and histone placement and she did not go into detail about the mechanism by which these epigenetic changes occur. Her argument mainly concerned the reversible aspect of epigenetics: the fact that differential methylation (or differential histone placement) results in differential gene expression. She also asserted that these 'flags' on a bit of DNA are copied along with the rest of the genome during the S phase of the cell cycle and are therefore heritable. She did not directly address whether methylation or histone modifications are self-perpetuating, though the argument is that due to the action of methyltransferases the methylated sites are indeed perpetuated, and hence the expression profile of that site is maintained.  Specifically, De Novo Methyltrasnferase 1 (DNMT1) finds DNA where a methyl group is on one strand but not the other (as woud occur durring DNA synthesis) and it methylates the second strand. This results in two daughter cells each with accurately-reproduced methylation patterns and hence similar expression profiles as the parent cell.

Ptashne (2013) takes issue however with Williams' (2013) description of epigenetics. In doing so he puts forth two criteria which together are both necessary and sufficient to call something "epigenetic": these are memory and specificity. Ptashne's "memory" is a combination of the earlier "self-perpetuating" and "heritable" - a distinction that often becomes blurred (for instance: see the preceding paragraph - my argument for heritable and self-perpetuating are actually the same). As such I agree with Ptashne (2013) that the more general term of "memory" is useful. Technically, memory is the continuation of a specific expression profile of a given gene. Under this criterion DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism as DNMT1 faithfully transmits the signal to new molecules. On the other hand, histone placements are not known to be heritable or self-perpetuate, even though they do seem to correlate with gene expression, and so should not be considered "epigenetic" according to Ptashne (2007, 2013).

Both DNA methylation and histone placement also fails Ptashne's (2013) second test of specificity. Specificity has to do with which genes a give transcription factor acts upon: for instance in the earlier figure, the red circle only acts on the blue oval's regulatory region, NOT on any of the geen genes' regulatory regions. The opposite of something being specific is for it to be general in which case it acts ubiquitously across the genome. This is the sense in which DNMT1 fails the test: any time it finds a bit of hemi-methylated DNA, it methylates the unmethlyated strand regardless of location. Histone placement also fails this test, as according to Ptashne (2007) we have no evidence that histones are placed specifically. Ptashne states: "... it is said [that] chemical modifications to DNA... drive gene regulation. This obviously cannot be true because the enzymes that impose such modifications lack the essential specificity: All nucleosomes, for example, “look alike,” and so these enzymes would have no way, on their own, of specifying which genes to regulate under any given set of conditions." (Ptashne 2013). Clearly Ptashne takes issue with Williams' claim that DNA methylation and histone modifications are epigenetic mechanisms.

I disagree with Ptashne, and think that histone modifications and DNA methylation should be considered epigenetic. I will discuss each of these in turn, first DNA methylation. To be fair, Ptashne (2013) does opt-out of making a call on the methylation side of things, citing that its role in development remains unclear because it doesn't occur in the flies or worms - which he seems to consider the two "real" models for development. I can only conclude that Ptashne is slightly ignorant of the current findings in mammal models (yes mammal models for development do exist, even if Ptashne doesn't consider them "real").  Sasaki et al published an entire review in Nature Reviews Genetics five years ago (Sasaki 2008) that describes most of how trans-generational epigenetic events are established in the germ-line. One of the main things that happens during germ cell development is the erasure and reestablishment of the parental imprint. Imprinting is regulated by DNA methylation in the imprinting control region and fits both of Ptashne's requirements: memory because the methylation established at this point in development regulates gene expression throughout life, and specificity because there are only a subset of genes that are imprinted - it's not a ubiquitous genome-wide process. So contrary to what Ptashne (2013) claims, we do know plenty about DNA methylation in mammalian development and furthermore it does fit both of his requirements. That being said, we still do not have a solid understanding of exactly how the specificity is achieved - there is not a DNMT specific for each region that needs to be methylated (indeed there are only 3 DNMTs that actively methylate DNA). Presumably there is some type of factor that is specific to certain regions and recruits the DNMTs to specific areas. DNMT3L may fill this role as it does not actually methylate DNA, but instead complexes with DNMT3a and facilitates proper methylation (Sasaki 2008). This DNMT3a-DNMT3L complex also relies upon a specific histone (H3K4 allows methylation while H3K4me does not)(Sasaki 2008), and so specificity may be achieved due to an interaction between local histone type and the DNMT complex. In short DNA methylation certainly counts as an epigenetic mechanism of transcription control.

Ptashne (2007, 2013) also claims that we have no evidence that the pattern of histones is heritable and so should not be considered epigenetic. On the contrary, it is true that allele-specific histone patterns are conserved within tissues and so must be heritable. For example, histones (not DNA methylation in this case) are the primary drivers of imprinted expression of the Kcnq1 region of Chromosome 7 in mice (Umlauf et al 2004; Lewis et al 2004). This shows that histones do fit the specificity criterion - they are allele specific, as well as the memory criterion - imprinting is tissue-specific (and *naturally* allele-specific). As far as I can tell, we do not know how this specificity is achieved, but just because we don't  know how it's achieved, doesn't mean that it is not indeed specific.

In conclusion, I consider both differential DNA methylation and differential histone placement to be true epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation as both of these processes are heritable, reversible, self-perpetuating, and specific.

Bird, A. 2007. Perceptions of epigenetics. Nature 447:396–398.

Bonasio, R., S. Tu, and D. Reinberg. 2010. Molecular Signals of Epigenetic States. Science 330:612–616.

Eccleston, A., N. DeWitt, C. Gunter, B. Marte, and D. Nath. 2007. Epigenetics. Nature 447:395.

Lewis, A., K. Mitsuya, D. Umlauf, P. Smith, W. Dean, J. Walter, M. Higgins, R. Feil, and W. Reik. 2004. Imprinting on distal chromosome 7 in the placenta involves repressive histone methylation independent of DNA methylation. Nature Genetics 36:1291–1295.

Ptashne, M. 2007. On the use of the word “epigenetic.” Current Biology 17:R233–R236.

Ptashne, M. 2013. Epigenetics: Core misconcept. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:7101–7103.

Riddihough, G., and L. M. Zahn. 2010. What is epigenetics? Science 330:611.

Sasaki, H., and Y. Matsui. 2008. Epigenetic events in mammalian germ-cell development: reprogramming and beyond. Nature Reviews Genetics 2008:129–140.

Umlauf, D., Y. Goto, R. Cao, F. Cerqueira, A. Wagschal, Y. Zhang, and R. Feil. 2004. Imprinting along the Kcnq1 domain on mouse chromosome 7 involves repressive histone methylation and recruitment of Polycomb group complexes. Nature Genetics 36:1296–1300.

Williams, S. 2013. Epigenetics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:3209.

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